2011   4/3(二)    3Y4M3D


       小佑子昨天早上(週一)拿出新繪本"Manster The Monster"看,問迷幾個生字的意思。迷就他發問逐一說明後,發現佑看文字內容看得專注認真,擔心他傷眼;因為此書是中英雙語文字,但是內容較其他書多(佑目前自己可唸讀的書),字體又偏小,遂將英文內容另外打字(verdana字體,20)讓佑看得輕鬆




~省多了!^ ^b














        好一陣子沒紀錄關於佑自行閱讀或唸讀的文(上一篇是1月時 ~ 新母子共讀方式 ),





1. 昆蟲躲貓貓 X5 (附CD) <曉明>

~ 1Y8M ,  (  1歲8個月的書  )

2. 啟思兒童文學圖畫叢書 X24 (附CD) <啟思文學>

~ 2Y11M ( 逕自唸讀6本書 )


~2Y6M ,高姨送的~感恩!

4. 幼幼生活動畫繪本(Momo & his family) X6 <牛津家族>

~2Y1M ,盈阿姨送的~感恩!

5. 球球看世界 X12 (附CD) <九童國際文化>

~1Y10M , ( 1歲10個月的書~套書的啟程 )

6. 中英雙語童話 X12 (附CD) <幼福>

~2Y , ( 滿2歲的書 )












這是一個新現象(這麼快自己念)!^ ^b,且讓迷覺得他有"進階",算刷新紀錄,應該加以記錄!








There once was a monster named Manster, who lived far , far from Imaginary town .

No one knew exactly where he was . No one knew exactly what he looked like .

But in Imaginary Town , people said that he could take on the shape of any one or anything to scare people .


Thinking that Manster had become a witch , little babies would wake up in the night and cry .

Afraid that Manster was hiding in the corner , little kids would not dare to go out after dark .

Mothers warned their naughty children ,

Behave yourselves , or Manster will get you .”

The warning worked . Not a single child would misbehave .


“This book is nonsense ,” Manster said , slamming the book Manster the Monster shut .

 “When have I ever grabbed babies ?” he said , upset .

“When have I ever hidden to scare people ?” he continued .

 “Never !” Not a single time !


           The residents in Imaginary Town , however , pictured Manster as a terrible monster .

  “And the picture they draw of me are so ugly ,” Manster said , looking at himself in the mirror .

 What made Manster the maddest was that he was not really ugly .

 He had a big head , little eyes , a round body and straight nose .

 He was lovely .

 “I need to make people in Imaginary Town understand me ,” Manster thought .

So he decided to visit the town .


            First , he came to the house of Long legged Lu-Lu .

He had heard that Lu-Lu was the most beautiful girl in the town . He wanted to find out .

 “Is Ms. Lu-Lu at home ?”

 “Who is it ?” The door opened , showing a big white face .


“You ? You ? You are Lu-Lu ?” Manster was so surprised that he couldn’t go on .

 “Is this the beauty of Imaginary Town ?” he thought .


        But Lu-Lu was even more surprised than he was , and yelled so loud that Manster’s ears couldn’t stand it .

Manster had no choice but to run away .


          Next , he came to the house of Peter the Crybaby , and heard Peter crying , “Boo-hoo-hoo !”

 “This Peter must be heartbroken , so I will comfort him ,” Monster said to himself .

 Manster climbed to a window and saw Peter sitting on the kitchen floor .


“Hi , Peter !” said Manster , greeting him warmly .

 Peter saw him and suddenly cried loudly .

 “Shh ! Shh ! Quiet , quiet !” Manster could not stop him , so left quickly .

 “What’s the matter with me ?” Do I look terrifying ?” Manster wondered .


He was disappointed , and said to himself ,

“Well , if the people of Imaginary Town do not wish to see me , then I’ll just go home .”

Then he saw the light in Yuan-Yuan’s house still on .

“O.K. ,” thought Manster ,

“This is the last chance .”


        This time Manster decided to enter through the chimney .

 When his big hips touched the floor , it made a lot of noise .

Father , Mother , Yuan-Yuan and Yuan-Yuan’s sister all came downstairs to see what was going on .

 When they saw the big “arrival ” falling from the chimney , they all cheered ,

“Mother”, “Father !”

“Manster is real !” Yuan-Yuan said , excitedly .


His sister touched Manster’s arm and face . She was delighted .

“Manster is not terrible at all , Father .

Please don’t write that he’s a monster .”


Father , the author of Manster the Monster , was red-faced , scratched his head and said ,

“Well , you really are different from what I wrote . ”

Manster was the star of his book .


“Oh it doesn’t matter .

Only , could you draw me a little more handsome ? ”

Manster still cared about his looks in the book .


Making friends with Yuan-Yuan’s family , Manster left happily and returned home .

Yuan-Yuan’s father continues to write Manster the Monster ,

but now Manster is no longer a monster who plays tricks on people .

Instead , he is the gentlest , kindest , most sociable , delightful creature .



          Of course , Manster is handsome and dashing in the book .

Because Yuan-Yuan’s father has a real model now .

~The End

~佑唸完自己下結論說:Manster 他想要 make everyone is happy .






 <Harper Collins>




Under a microscope ,

some bacteria look like little round balls .

Other are as straight as rods .

Still others are twisted in spiral shapes .

Viruses are far tinier than bacteria .

Some look like balls with spikes sticking out on all sides .

Other look like loaves of bread  or like tadpoles .

There are even some that look like metal screws with spider legs .


(2)I wonder why Planes Have Wings










2. 之前佑會認字和看文時,聽迷說故事都會注意或是在意迷念的跟故事文字不相符,現在這部份有些改變!



原文:"The white cells in your blood go after any germs that sneak in .  Usually , these cells kill the germs before they can do any harm .

Your blood also has special proteins that attack germs . They are called antibodies ."

迷:The white cells in your blood go after any germs that sneak in .

If you are healthy and your white blood cells are strong enough , usually ,white blood cells can eat bad germs before bad germs do any harm or make you sick .

佑:White blood cells and antibodies fight with bad germs and kill bad germs if you have a healthy and strong body .

迷:Yes , your blood also has special proteins that attack germs .

They are called antibodies , they look like germs , but they are good for you and they can fight with bad germs .

You may eat healthy food contains lots of proteins like fish , meat , eggs , milk , beans , to improve your  antibodies then antibodies will win the bad germs .

佑:fish , meat ,eggs , milk and beans are good food contain many proteins .

Eat good food  improve my antibodies and make me healthier .

And apple is good food , and rice and vegetables and fruit is good food too .

And there are lots of ways to stay healthy ,

like wash hands before eat something , and brush teeth after meal , and sleep well , and do some exercise can make me stronger .

Then my white blood cells and antibodies has beaten back the bateria and viruses .

~想不到佑會說出這一大串(最近"說英文"進步很多!)^ ^b.......說很快又很順口,沒注意聽有些還聽不懂!但是請他重複說(因為迷有些沒聽清楚)他仍是說出類似甚至一模一樣的詞;那些就是他已內化的想法吧!



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